Argumentative Essay: Should We Be Free For Colleges?

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The 2016 election saw the presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, bring up the possibility of a free college tuition for students below the poverty line. With education influencing the minds of the next generation, should we have free college become free for students? As high school became more of a necessity in the 19th and 20th centuries, colleges are undergoing the same stages in the 21st century just as high school went through. Although The United States has an expensive cost to enter higher education that can anchor students to debt for a portion of their lives, for the good of our country, we should not make colleges free.
The cost for college is currently rising due to a higher demand for college graduates in the workforce, but that financial burden will shift from students to the taxpayer. Bernie Sanders, a 2016 presidential candidate that promised to make college tuition free for students below the poverty level. Bernie would make a program that would pay $47 billion a year from federal funding, 67% of the $70 billion needed to pay for tuitions. States would cover the remaining 33% (Wellman 11). This would be a little more than Mark Zuckerberg's net worth. Money that could be used for more important matters, but is wasted on making college free. …show more content…

Kelly, resident scholar and the director of the Center on Higher Education Reform at the American Enterprise Institute, “California’s community colleges turned away 600,000 students” (Kelly 4). California turned away all those students due to the recession, without the ability to gain funds from the government and the refusal to raise tuition costs, spaces for students became

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