Argumentative Essay: Should Drones Be Regulated?

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Argument Essay Based on the graph from statista source 4 (the graph at the back of the packet) the amount of consumer drone sales to dealers in the US 2013 - 2017 has gone up by about $1.2 Billion. A drone is an aircraft that is remote controlled that can be used for military, entertainment, taking pictures, or for businesses etc. The argument of whether drones should be regulated or not is a debate that I will be stating why we shouldn’t have regulations on drones. Not having regulations on drones allows farmers to buy them to help them with their farms. Mike Geske sees the usefulness of a drone on a farm along with other farmers, “Missouri famer Mike Geske wants a drone ... Geske has traveled to Maryland to see drones in action and learn more about how farmers can put them to work. He wants to buy a drone to monitor his farm’s irrigation pipes. Right now, he is paying three men to do the job, but if he switched to a drones, he wouldn’t even have to pay for a pilot. Heske says the money he save on labor and fuel would be amazing.” Newslesa p. 1 source #2. Mike isn’t the only farmer who wants a drone to help with his farm, Chip Bowling also tries flying a drone on his land to give him another hand, or should I say, propeller. “Maryland farmer Chip Bowling tries flying one of the drones. Bowling is president of …show more content…

Drones also have the potential to take people place to place conveniently proven by Junior Scholastic source 1 p.11, “As drones become more sophisticated, their potential for positively shaping our lives is huge. Consider vertical takeoff andF landing (VTOL) technology. VTOL aircraft are able to lift and descend straight up or down and don’t require a large landing strip. While some manned aircraft can already do that, Alonso says, it’s only a matter of time before autonomous VTOL air taxis are transporting people more easily (and cheaply) than

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