Argumentative Essay On Twin Research Paper

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It has been said in folklore that if one is ever to come into contact with their doppelgänger, or their “living double”, bad luck will forever encompass the remainder of their life. This is occasionally portrayed as a paranormal phenomenon, though there has been a copious amount of studies contradicting the very idea of a doppelgänger. Mythical as it may be, what scientists cannot argue against, is the existence of twins. It is not so simplistic as having a “look-alike”, but rather it is broken down into two divisions: identical and fraternal. Apart from this basic categorization, scientists have also amassed knowledge concerning twin birth rate, factors that contribute to twins and complications with twin pregnancy. As further intelligence …show more content…

The two major types of twins are identical and fraternal. Identical twins, also referred to as monozygomatic twins, develop from a single zygote and share a placenta. Monozygomatic twins are always the same sex. During embryonic development, physical characteristics may be mutated, or altered, and so will diversify from one twin to the other (Multiple Birth). Because identical twins develop from the same fertilized egg, they have the same genome. Any differences between identical twins is due to their environments, not genetics (Insights From Identical Twins). Fraternal, or dizygomatic twins develop from two separate eggs that have been fertilized by two different sperm. Each egg develops individually and usually forms in it’s own placenta. Fraternal twins may be of the same or of different sexes. Fraternal twins are not genetically identical, they are no more similar than ordinary siblings. Therefore they bear the same resemblance as ordinary siblings. The overall rate of twins for all races in the United States is around 33 per 1,000 live births. Black and non-Hispanic white women have similar rates of twinning, while Hispanic women are less likely to give birth to twins. The twin birth rate has increased over 75% since 1980 (Multiple

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