Argumentative Essay On Teenage Pregnancy

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I do believe that one of the greatest blessings that we have been given as humans is privilege to have children. At some point in we all have a dream of having our own dreams of becoming parent when we were young but then we just settled with playing pretend with our little baby dolls. As child I remember playing with my baby dolls as if they were a little baby but at the same time I never carried thoughts of having a baby of my own child at that point in time I always knew it was something that came a little later in life. At a young age we always have this image of ourselves as kings and queens and not once thinking that dream could go wrong. Never thinking that your prefect dream could take a slight detour or even becoming pregnant at a young age. Who honestly at that age sits around thinking about getting having baby when they are that young age because having children come with a lot of responsibility? But this happens every day this happens to young women that get pregnant or young man that impregnate young women that have they’re innocents take away and force to adults at a young age. Many young women between the ages 15-19 get pregnant at a young age, in 2006 4.3 billion births were reported and 435,000 were to mothers from that age bracket. In this reaction I have chosen a video from YouTube entitled “The Best Teen Pregnancy Speech EVER!!” A young lady by the name of Tyler Smith gives a speech about Teen Pregnancy and how she became a mom herself at the age of 14 to staff members at Kenowa High School. She targets the affects of teen pregnancy and the offers a solution to the problem. The paper will target the historical frame work, political context, how the media plays an effect, what message is the media portraying, h...

... middle of paper ... those who could accept the responsible of becoming a mom, then you had other that couldn’t so they result to abortion. Soon abortion rates were on the rise; in the presentation done by Mr. Tufenkjiah he stated “In 1973, the ratio of abortions to live births rose from 280 per 1,000 to 462 in 1985. He also stated in 1995 Bill Clinton Address this very issue in his State of the Union Address even though he wasn’t the first to address the issue at hand but Bill Clinton did state the was “our most serious problem, I later found Jimmy Carter was the first to address the issue of teen pregnancy and abortion. CDC (Center for Disease Control) “revealed that teen pregnancy rates had declined steadily in all 50 states between 1988 and 2005. However from 2005 to 2008, teen pregnancy rates decreased by 5% or more in 7 states, while in 16 other state the rates increased by 5%.

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