Argumentative Essay On Screen Time

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Hunter Gilliam J. Snyder English 9 24 Apr. 2015 Picture yourself in a cafeteria and look around, and you will see people on their phones. While technology has improved over the last 20 years, not all of it is good. People spend many hours a day looking at a screen. It is often overused in today's society. People are obsessed with the technology of today. Excessive screen time can affect people physically, socially, and emotionally. Spending excessive time in front of a screen impacts a child’s physical health. For example, a child who spends more than four hours per day in front of a screen, is less physically fit (Narvaez). The child also eats more junk food but less fruits and vegetables (Narvaez). The Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine reports, “for each hour of tv watched, a child will consume an additional …show more content…

People are beginning to show signs of depression due to comparisons they make to other people on facebook (Walton). A study at the University of Houston researched the likelihood of people comparing themselves to others and “It turned out that people who used facebook more tended to have depressive symptoms” (Walton). They even found out that people do not just compare themselves to people “above” them; “It didn’t matter whether a person was making upward, downward, or neutral social comparison ­ they were all linked to a greater likelihood for depressive symptoms” (Walton). People should not spend as much time using social media such as Facebook so that people will not be as depressed. Screens are not going to go away. They are going to be used constantly without much we can do about it. We need to educate parents and schools about the the side effects too much screen time can cause including harmful physical, social, and emotional problems. The time we spend in front of a screen should be cut down before there are more drastic effects. Screens can be dangerous to people. Gilliam

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