Argumentative Essay About Screen Time

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In this essay, I will be talking about the negative, and possitive factors of screen time, as weel as giving you my personal oppinoin on how screen time can effect a child. Ive have always heard as a kid growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's, that watching to much TV is bad for you, that being said it has never effected me in a negative way. I do not watch TV nearly as much as I did before, but I have a 1 year old doughter who watches her favorate movies every day. My doughter is very bright, and is able to tell me, at a year old, what exactly she wants at all times. My wife grew up on completely opposite, she grew up not knowing screen time at all. you know what they say opposits attract, my wife and I might fight a lot, but the one thing we never fight on is educational TV time for our baby. …show more content…

I fully understand that kids that get these smart phones at an early age are going crazy. 7.5 hours looking at a screen is reduclus!, but that also can be chopped up to lazy paranting. "depression has also been linked to screen viewing before sleep at night" I truly believe this is bs. If you are getting depressed you are not happy with your self, so in thery, to be happy you need to change your self, its as simple as that. If you are becoming depressed by watching TV, you don't trully want to be watching TV, and if you are not smart enough to change that, that is your problem. Even a 1 year old can figure that one out

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