Argumentative Essay On School Shooting

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As school shootings have recently started to emerge as an essential component of American culture, many people have been looking for possible solutions. We thought Columbine would be a rare incident, but school shootings have dramatically spiked in the past 10 years. According to A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013, an average of 6.4 shooting incidents occurred annually. In the last 7 years of the study, that average increased to 16.4 incidents annually. Out of the 160 incidents total, 39 happened in educational environments that yielded 117 individuals killed and 120 wounded (2013). No one wants to think that a tragedy like this could happen to them, but we’ve reached a point where it could happen …show more content…

The editorial staff of the Eagle Eye explains that automatic firearms are already restricted for military use only, so it makes no sense for accessories like bump stocks to be in circulation. An AR-15 coupled with high capacity magazines and a bump stock is now a military grade weapon, not something that should be in the hands of everyday citizens for self-defense or hunting. These types of accessories make school shootings too quick and easy. In the Parkland shooting, the shooter managed to kill 17 people and inflict 17 casualties in under 10 minutes because he used high capacity magazines (Our manifesto to fix America's gun laws 2018). In the Las Vegas shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in American history, the shooter claimed 58 lives and injured 851 people. This was all made possible from the killer’s use of a bump stock combined with high capacity magazines. As explained by Nick Wing, banning high capacity magazines would slow down shooters. They would have to reload more often, limiting the number of victims in between rounds and leaving a greater chance for error. This allows more time for first responders to act and leaves the shooter vulnerable to victims evacuating or fighting back (Banning High-Capacity Magazines Should Absolutely Be A Winnable Issue 2018). It might seem like a small change, but it would save a noticeable amount of

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