Argumentative Essay On Public Education

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“A high-quality public education can build much-needed skills and knowledge. It can help children reach their God-given potential” (Weingarten). The need for public education is so important. Public education is the leading source of education for students in America. 91 percent of Americans attending public school in 2009 (Jennings). These students attending public schools are our nation’s future. Is the amount of funding given to public education enough to supply each student with their individual needs?
Public education received 664 million dollars in the 2014-2015 school year. Eight percent of that funding came from the federal government, 47% came from state resources, and the remaining 45% came from local resources (The condition of Education). …show more content…

The general funding received for regular education materials is
$130,860.00, the gifted program received $2,950.00, the early intervention program received
$6,400.00, and the special education program received $57,558.58 (Mitchell). Is this enough funding to support all these different areas? Do things need to be cut or compromised so that other areas can have more funding?
The main portion of the schools funding goes to regular education classes. At Garrison
Pilcher Elementary there are 516 first and second grade students (Mitchell). This is a Title I school meaning there is extra money given to the schools, because most of the students come from low-income families (Title I, Part A Program). Many students cannot afford anything so the funding received goes to purchase everything that is needed to be successful students. Could they use more funding?
The special education fund is distributed between 105 students with different disabilities and severities. There are several laws surrounding the education of students with special needs.
The main law is the Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). This law requires that all

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