Argumentative Essay On Muslam And Islam

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The horrific events of September 11, 2001, killed 2,996 people and caused at least $ 10 billion in property and infrastructure damage. After September 11, people started point fingers at the Muslims for doing, just because small group of Muslims it doesn’t me that everyone is the same. September 11, have forever changed Americans view of Islam and Muslim. Even before September 11, they were still hate toward Islam and Muslims. These this famous quotes online by unknown person “I’m Muslim, Islam is perfect but I am not. If I make a mistake, blame it on me, not on my religion.” I am here today, to clear the misunderstanding about my beautiful religion, not everything we see or hear is true. “Islam is a violent religion, Islam is a terrorist group,
People might mistake culture with religion. Or other people would mix culture with religion. While other, they would read the Qur’an and understand it or interrupt it wrong. If someone misunderstood the meaning for something they keep practicing it the wrong way, of course what they are doing is going to be violent and wrong, and that’s what I believe terrorist is. If they really practice the Qur’an in the right way, terrorist won’t exist. The Qur’an is the word of Allah “God” that was dictated to Prophet Muhammed by Archangel Gabriel. In Islam, the Qur’an is the primary source of guidance. “The Qur’an is unique in a number of ways. God has perfectly preserved the Qur’an and guaranteed it from corruption until the end of time.’ (Pete Seda, 10). The reason why terrorist exist is because people would take the religion and they would practice it like the way they believe is right. The Qur’an teaches many things. The Qur’an teaches us what’s right or wrong, how to treat our parents, how to treat our neighbor. The Qur’an is the way of life. Also the Qur’an gives women the very important role and
The prophet (peace be upon him) is the perfect example that show us how to behave as good humans. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was the most influential man in the world, he was the greatest law giver of all time. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was kind and just too all mankind. He was a man who would treat the poor, the same way he would treat the rich. He cared for the sick and the people that are in need. He was a man who would treat the black the way he was treat the white. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was a man who his own enemies would call him the truthful and the honest. A man when his own enemies would look him in the eye, this is no the face of a liar. He harmed no one, event thought a lot of people harmed him. He was an orphan by the age of six. He didn’t go to school because he was poor. However, he had one of the best manners ever own on earth. Everyone loved him and cared about him. He went through a lot of hardship, he didn’t give up, but stood strong and showed the world not is hard unless you give up and you said is hard. As a Muslim our goals is to implement the way he lived to the absolute core, from the way we enter the bathroom, to the way we would govern an entire country. To the way we dress, to the way we eat. Because that’s how Muslims should be

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