Argumentative Essay On Identity Theft

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Justin Grasso
Professor Olson
Composition 2, Period 4
24 April 2018 One of the best ways to solve a problem is to stop it before it starts. This is especially true with anything regarding the internet, were once something is posted, it lasts forever. While we do teach children how to stay safe online, but from what this autor can determine from their resarch, we do not discuss identity theft. This makes one ask the question “Should schools teach their students what personal information they should not post?” This author would say that the measure is not only necessary for a student’s success, but it is one of the most important concepts they need to learn. They will grow up with the internet, and see it advance further and further, and …show more content…

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), over 17.6 million American experienced identity theft in 2014. Out of all those cases, 86% involved an already existing account (Harrell 2015). This could mean that the identity thieves try to get into a bank accounts or social media accounts. The BJS says that means these victims “experienced unauthorized use of or attempted use of an existing account [and/or]...personal information…” (Harrell 2015). In layman's terms it means that someone pretend to be someone else, either to get at their bank account or any other kind of account that their victim …show more content…

One example, like “Risky online relationships”(Harris 2018) focuses on, like the tile implies, on the dangers on online relationships. Other examples on the sight, like “Going Places Safely”(Harris 2018). It talks about how young children should browse the internet. Two of the lessons that brings up not telling others personal information, “Talking Safety Online”(Harris 2018) and “Safe Online Talk”(Harris 2018) do not mention how sharing personal information can result in identity theft. if there is no curriculum that focuses on identity theft then it is up to the parents to teach their

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