Argumentative Essay On Food

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“Food is not rational; food is culture, habit, craving and identity” (Jonathan Saffron Foer)
Do you agree? / disagree with the statement?

Food is sustenance in order for one to live and grow. However, food is also an experience; an accumulation of nature and creativity that can indulge the taster in nostalgia. It’s just pure enjoyment. While food’s components and creation are indicative of a culture’s habits, time, and traditions, so are the methods by which food is consumed and by whom is also of importance. No matter which delicacy from whichever region of the world; there is both a physical and psychological aspect of it; experienced while dining. Whether one is eating batair (quail) at Lahore Food Street or tikkas at Charsi’s Tikka shop Peshawar; food there is …show more content…

It’s ones relationship with food. It’s the sum total of one’s cognitions and emotions about what ones consumes. The strongest relationship in one’s life is that with food.
The great Sufi poet Rumi once stated and I quote: “The satiated man and the hungry man do not see the same thing when they look upon a loaf of bread.” (David, 2014)
Ones perception in terms of food is so profoundly relative that if a group of people were looking at the same plate of food, no two people would see the same thing. What’s amazing is that each individual will metabolize this same meal quite differently in response to his/her unique thoughts. In other words, what one thinks and feels about food changes the way one’s body breaks it down. If one consumes food that one likes to eat; preference in accordance to flavor or fragrance; then ones metabolism would be more efficient and fast.

Factors that determine the uniqueness of a certain regions cuisine include climate; availability of native foods, economy, trade, cultural differences, cooking traditions and religious and or sumptuary laws enforced in said

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