Argumentative Essay On Being Abused Women

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Women being abused is a serious matter. Not only are the women affected but many people are affected as well, such as family and friends. Some people don't realize how much damage a woman will go through. Those people don't take the subject very serious and ignore the fact that women are important people too. We should care about our women because they are affected physically, mentally, and emotionally in very harmful ways.
If laws were enforced it is guaranteed it will keep men from abusing women. It is believed that if rape laws were toughened that “most men will learn that girls are off limits”(Bickerstaff). If laws were reinforced percentages of abused women would lower drastically. A survey was taken and on “September 15, 2011, 67,399 women reported domestic violence”(Dvorak), because women are seen as easy targets. Many abusers are released from prison for paying a fee, which is mishandled in my opinion. There shouldn’t even be an opportunity to pay a fee. Abused women suffer from both serious mental health effects and long term health effects. It is known that “Abuse leads to …show more content…

Many reports of abuse are not taken seriously. Authorities let the cases go then later on the women are hurt mentally, physically, or emotionally again. A “great majority of victims [do] not want to go to the police”(McKenzie, Baker, et al). Women are “locked in a cycle of emotional confusion”(McKenzie, Baker, et al). Not a lot is done for women who need the help lawfully. If the case is not taken seriously it gives the abusers a chance to hurt the woman or women even more. Instead of the abuser being under custody, they are released to cause more damage. A survey revealed “1.9 million women reported experiences of rape and abuse. [Only] one-third of those women had cases”(Weaver) which proves the subject is not taken as seriously as it should

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