Argumentative Essay On 9/11

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Kamil Tyburek Professor Janzen Intro to World Religions November 24th, 2014 9/11: A New Beginning for Muslims On September 11th, 2001 a tragedy of terrorism happened to New York City. Not just one plane, but two crashed into the Twin Towers of New York City. There were over six thousand victims that day that got their lives taken away from them. These were normal civilians of different backgrounds and religions, and many from other nations. This wasn’t just a crime, it was a crime on humanity. We must honor those brave men and women that lost their lives that day, who never had the full potential of life. Many wanted someone or something to blame for this, and since the terrorists claimed to be Muslims then the people scrutinized Islam and the Muslim people for this terrible act. Why should the Muslim people feel obligated to take that blame? Next to all Muslims were now in the hot seat and being called terrorists and an unethical religion. Many non-Muslims do not understand what the religion is about and what you have to exactly do in order to be considered a Muslim. Since 9/11 Muslims have been discriminated and treated poorly. In response to this, the individual Muslim felt more obligated to act ethnically in the United States after the events of 9/11. …show more content…

Even though this might be a long journey, Muslims must look for hope and work on accomplishing justice and finding peace. Terrorists have hatred and Muslims are not haters in any way, they just want to grow larger with each step. Muslims are tired of always being spoken for and never being able to speak for themselves. When you speak it means that you have power and are alive, and to be quiet is deadly. Just because terrorists say they are Muslim that does not truly mean that they are and the goal is to show others what it truly means to be a Muslim because most people might think they know but they

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