Self-Determination In Social Work

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Self determination Self-determination is the act of giving clients the freedom to make choices in their lives to move toward established goals in a manner that they see is most fitting for them. As a social worker we might not respect with our clients choices but, supporting self-determination requires that we respect our clients of their life choices. As social workers we can restrict a client's right of self-determination if the client’s actions or potential actions could be harmful or pose a serious danger to self or other (Boyle 2009) we may prefer our personal value system to that of our client but ours might not necessarily be a better value system only different. For clients to self-determining it is essential that they …show more content…

What are the academic records? B. Is there any special program in the school where she can get enroll for her speech problems? C.Is there any medication prescribe due to those learning or mental disability? Open ended question What kind of training she has been sent in the last six month for her disability improvement? Closed ended question “Describes her childhood as happy, despite the fact she was in foster care. She Reports having brief counseling following the death of her mother. Margaret Reports having had problems in school regarding academic performance and Interactions with peers. She reports that she was in special education classes And that peers made fun of her because of her speech problem. Margaret has a Diagnosis of moderate mental retardation and a mild hearing loss in her right Ear. Margaret completed high school receiving special education services” Specific information needed How long ago did her mother die? For how long she had been having the academic issues? Has she been is taking any medication for the last six months? Closed ended question When was the last time when she saw a doctor and how was her medical status? Before her mother die? Is there any support from any other family …show more content…

Employment Agency Help with paying bills, saving, and other economic issues. Help Thomas gain full-time employment Smart goals Get Cedrick back on track both socially and academically Get parent’s homemaking and job training so that they can provide a more stable and substantial home for the kids. Figuring out Thomas learning disabilities. Both goals can be easily achieved ne measure through home visits and check

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