Argumentative Essay: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

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"Give me liberty or give me death" -Patrick Henry (Virginia Convention 1775) If you were not given the essential liberties you wanted, or even needed, would it be worth it to live? Think of a freedom that you require, in order to express yourself that makes life worth cultivating. Now imagine, that freedom being taken from you for no reason at all. Would you cut the cord if you could?
That's what it feels like to be terminally ill.Thousands of people suffer from terminal illnesses like Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and so many more. It gets to the point where it is hard every day for them. They can not speak, eat on their own, they can not leave the hospital, walk; the basic freedoms that we all take for granted.
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It is unimaginable yet people go through this everyday. But, there is one freedom that you can give them. The freedom to stop the pain, and end their silence. They have a say for the last time in their life, they can end all of their suffering with assisted suicide.
This gives the terminally ill the choice to end their life peaceful. This keeps people from helping the terminally ill violently kill themselves. 7.36% of terminally ill people have resulted in violently killing themselves, this equates to 300 people each year, due to the campaign for Dignity in Dying.
Others will argue that if a patient is terminally ill, they are not in the correct mindset to make that decision. Although, what opposers fail to recognize or acknowledge is what the person is going through. Like how I mentioned earlier that the pain they are experiencing is unimaginable. When you are in pain, you want it to be over as soon as possible. We all know when enough is enough. This kind of pain is prolonged and more severe like the heart racing. There are other ways for stopping pain, minimal pain, but this pain is way too severe to stop with some medication. The only way to stop it is to end it all at

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