Argumentative Essay About Dogs

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For decades humans have been using dogs and their abilities in a number of different ways, from bomb and drug detection to service dogs, canines are a much loved and integral part of our society. Dogs are remarkable creatures, it is known that dogs have extraordinarily strong senses, their sense of smell, for example, is 100 000 times stronger than the average humans. With information from recent studies and the knowledge of canine’s olfactory abilities, it has been discovered that dogs are capable of smelling and detecting cancer in humans, long before we notice anything. If we could find a way to integrate this ability into the medical field, it has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives.
Cancer is a destructive and deadly disease …show more content…

While at first these studies were simply trials to hopefully find more ways to beat cancer, they have become a significant contribution to cancer research. In order to successfully use dogs in the medical field to detect cancer, they would need to undergo a vigorous and strict training protocol to ensure that the dogs can be trusted to be correct in their discernment of cancerous patients. When the dogs have undergone such training, they have been able to correctly distinguish cancerous samples as well as patients upwards of 80% of the time. However, not just any dogs are selected for the training program, individual breeds, personalities (Hackner et al 2017)2 and their abilities need to be considered. In one of the most successful studies with a 100% correct specimen identification, two female Belgian Shepherd dogs were used (Yoel et al 2015)3, these dogs have longer snouts and therefore a large number of scent receptors, making them one of the more successful and desired dogs for this job. It is unclear whether dogs can be used as effectively to detect all types of cancer, as the studies have primarily focused on breast, ovarian (Horvath et al. 2013)4, prostate, bladder, and lung cancer. However, while it may not be clear if that is a possibility for the future, it does look promising as there have been a few dogs who can find cancer other that which they were trained to detect. One dog was able to detect malignant tumors that were developing on the right leg, as well as either side of a lady’s

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