Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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Intro: No other dog receives more negative attention or media coverage than the American Pit Bull Terrier. For many years the media has led many to believe that pit bulls are a dangerous breed of dog. It seems like whenever a story of a dog attack is released it's about someone being a victim of a pit bull. The breed is the victim of careless owners and cruel breeders. This had led to the unfair stereotype put upon pit bulls. History: The pit bull was not always labeled as an aggressive dog. In the 1900s pit bulls were often called "nanny dogs" because they were loving and gentle, especially with children. They were left to protect homes from unwanted guests and helped on farms. They were often used to hunt and catch hogs. Many World War 1 posters displayed pictures of the pit bull as symbols of bravery. Breeding: Throughout many years the pit bulls' strength and willingness to please people was taken advantage of and the once loved and loving breed Was bred for fighting and aggression. In the same way labs were bred to retrieve birds. Even though they have been bred to do a certain task not …show more content…

All pit bulls are fighters: According to the American Temperament Test Society, out of the 870 American Pit Bull Terriers tested,755 passed. Giving pit bulls an 86.8% overall temperament pass rate. It is proven that pit bulls give more "kisses" than any other type of dog. They love humans and interaction with humans. They are friendly animals who love to goof around. 4. Pit Bulls have "Locking Jaws": The jaws of the Pit Bull are functionally the same as the jaws of any other breed. The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of Pit Bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure is no different than that of any other breed of dog. There is absolutely not evidence for the existence of any kind of "locking mechanism." "Breed Specific" Legislation

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