Argument Essay: The Modern Revolution

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The Modern Revolution is an important threshold when considering the acceleration of human progress of Earth. It has seen humans gaining total control over the biosphere to do whatever they please with it. The time period is also characterized by increasingly fast rates of innovation, invention, global exchange, and industrialization. The roots of these developments all stem from the population growth that the revolution brought about, which in turn saw greater numbers of people innovating and inventing to help progress our society. Ultimately, the Modern Revolution which unfolded on our planet was most definitely a positive force. To start, all of the Modern Revolution’s benefits can be tied back to the sudden increase in global population which it generated. These times saw a stark upward trend in life expectancy, fertility rate, and flat-out population (Text 1, Lee). For one, this all meant that more people could consume more goods, which was great for business and economy. More importantly, population growth meant that there was a greater probability …show more content…

The time period, undeniably, saw many people engineering new weapons of mass destruction which they could use to take each other’s lives at a very large scale (Text 7, Charney). Now, although it is true that the Modern Revolution put too much power in the hands of humans in this regard, it’s necessary to realize the amount of other positive inventions and developments that came along with the revolution. In this situation, the good definitely outweighs the bad, as seen by the countless ground-breaking advances made by humans in the past three centuries. These include the internet (1969), the computer modem (1958), the telephone (1876), and so many more (Text 4). These inventions, and many more, helped strive to make our world more interconnected and improve its

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