Argument Against Meat Eating

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In our lesson Unit 1: Six Steps to Creating an Effective Argument, I was overjoyed to find all the wonderful statistics for “How to Win an Argument with a Meat-Eater”. My husband and I have recently decided to go totally raw and vegan, so these statistics will come in handy when we are discussing the pros and cons of a vegan lifestyle with others. I found these statistics to be very compelling. I had heard about some of these arguments, but some were brand new to me. I had my thoughts reinforced in some instances, and I was educated in others. The permission statement mentions that the essay was written with information from the Department of Agriculture/Food and Drug Administration. With a little further research I found that the statistics were actually cited in a book “Diet for a New America” by John Robbins who founded EarthSave International and is The Cholesterol Argument against meat-eating Aside from including all of the statistical facts in this section, Satagru sends the loud and clear message that doctors in the U.S. are not particularly educated in nutrition. This is a sad fact that more people should consciously realize. Living in a “magic pill” society is indeed magical until you realize that every pill has an adverse reaction. There isn’t much magical about that. 5. The Natural Resources Argument against meat-eating Within the statistics on this argument Satagru mentions “If this water cost were not subsidized by the government, the cheapest hamburger meat would cost more than $35 per pound.” I do not really see any sources cited for this information. 6. The Antibiotic Argument against meat-eating All of the statistics were used in this section. I was left wishing there had been more information and determination for the steps leading up to the European Union deciding not to use antibiotic fed meat. I’m sure there is more information as they most likely did studies of their own to make that decision. 7. The Pesticide Argument against

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