Are Prisons Meant To Rehabilitate

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Are prisons meant to rehabilitate or to punish?
This topic is quite controversial as to whether the prisons should provide rehabilitation to the lawbreakers or punish them instead to reduce crime. Should we follow the beliefs of retribution which believes that punishment is deserved in percentage to the weightiness of a felony, or not?
First and foremost, we must also consider what the underlying objective of punishment is. If it is to enact suffering on the delinquents for them to reflect on their crime, then the punishment should be the method. However, if the objective is to give them second chance and to guide them in the right direction, then rehabilitation come across as an effective approach.
I believe that if we follow a sensible approach, crime would be most effectively controlled. One that leads to punishment but also gives the second chance to show them the right direction for the future as well. Nobody is perfect. Everyone commits mistakes. Hence, they should also be given a chance to change the way they are. Eradicating the habit of committing a crime in a person is more important than sending him to jail. But sending them to prison is also required else these offenses will increase in the society especially criminals committing such …show more content…

Yes, rehabilitation of prisons is an extremely difficult process but, I believe that no matter how heavy the crime committed is, everyone should be given a second chance. The repulsions of prison life and lessons they have learned from being in jail are enough to deter them from committing crimes again in the future. They should be given counseling and be guided that these punishments are due to the offenses that they have taken and they still have a chance to reinvent themselves. To those who have not been educated, the prison should also give them teachers to enhance their skills so that they have something to look after when they come out to

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