Aphorism: Uncertainty Of The Future

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This aphorism really captures the uncertainty of the future, and how betting on the future is a big risk. It is supported with sayings such as “Live life to the fullest,” and “Life is short.” There are many reasons that the most dangerous risk of all is the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

This aphorism is talking about how trying to predict the future is a bet. It is impossible for one to see what will happen in a month, let alone 5 or 10 years in the future making this bet even more risky. There can be no certainty in that one will be able to buy one's freedom later because one cannot know what the future holds financially, what the world will look like, and where …show more content…

This pressure for things to be perfect causes them to spend more time than needed on homework and studying causing them to skip out on social activities such as hanging out with friends and hobbies that they love to do but can't find time. This is a perfect example of what this aphorism is warning against. They are skipping out on stuff that they would want to do in order to do well enough in school that they can hopefully make enough money to not have to work later in life. This is risky because they cannot know the future and they are giving up their joy at the time on the possibility that they will be able to buy it later.

Older adults reinforce this aphorism all the time when they say things such as “I'm too old for this” which further shows that one cannot know what is in store for them. When accounting for this it is easy to see how it is a big, risky bet that many take can result in a bad ending. Some of the things one might want to do right now they might not be able to do later in life as a result of health problems, kids, and other unforeseen

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