Financial Literacy Dbq

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Education is tool that benefits anyone, regardless of social standing, race, or religion. A government’s denial of an education that would encourage prosperity and security among its people is the rejection of a conscious society, and the promotion of an ignorant, incapable populace. The argument over teaching financial literacy classes in school is no exception to this problem. Financial literacy is knowledge, and a tool that nearly every American will use to succeed in everyday life. The lack of literacy in any subject is wrong, but not educating Americans about the power of money and debt will only hurt our country in the long run. In a world where money is power, why should we not give all Americans every advantage we can? Financial literacy …show more content…

In schools where financial literacy courses are foreign, for example, students as well as teachers may find themselves lost and confused. In Document A, 64% of teachers K-12 reported being unprepared or “not-well qualified” to teach finance. These problems have been outspoken by several critics, such as in Document B, where Burns cites that high schoolers that took a semester-long personal-finance course tested worse than those who did not, and that some feel math or statistics would be much more useful than finance. It’s hard to refute evidence such as this, but subjects can be changed, revamped. Much like we add new things to history when events occur, or science when research proves a new theory, we can improve financial literacy by how the world economy moves. In the digital age of commerce, we can adapt and change our system, much like Thaler in Document C advises, promoting In-time education when needed, simple rules of thumb to create everyday knowledge, and user-friendly support on the Internet to digitalize finance. In an age where you can know the time, temperature, and weather of London at any moment, from anywhere around the world, why should we not be able to ask how to save, when to save, where to save, or whether we're overpaying on a house or car? Those who deem studies on present financial literacy evidence of it being useless and a waste of money must understand that the subject is not set in stone. We will experiment, shift, change, and one day, we will find the right

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