Anti Vaccination Persuasive Speech

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Vaccines are killing our children. Although this statement may seem arbitrary, many people stand by it, isolating their kids from live-saving immunizations out of fear. However, not everyone is opposed to the use of vaccines, and there are two groups with polar opinions regarding this advancement in medicine. Although the anti-vaccination movement stemmed from positive intentions, we must realize that it is detrimental to society because it puts public health in danger.
Prior to the invention of vaccines, crippling diseases were rampant all over the globe. Illnesses such as smallpox, polio, and measles stole the lives of millions of unsuspecting victims. From the third century AD, the smallpox virus covered victims in painful pustules, killing …show more content…

However, there is no proven correlation between them, yet the anti-vaccine movement still stands by this belief. In 1998, British doctor Andrew Wakefield published an article that suggested a relationship between autism and the MMR vaccine. He stated that “the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine causes autism by damaging the intestinal lining, which allows the entrance of encephalopathic proteins,” triggering an entire health crisis (Plotkin). He also attempted to spread his anti-vaccine propaganda via a film called Vaxxed which claimed that the US CDC changed and destroyed data involving the study about the correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism (Darzi). Both his article and film caught the attention of many and gained popularity because both autism and the use of vaccines had slowly been increasing during this time. Peter Bearman of the American Prospect, however, disproves Wakefield’s theory with evidence of the fact that children show signs of autism long before getting the vaccine itself. In short, correlation does not equal causation (33+). Additionally, in January 2011, evidence surfaced that Wakefield had committed scientific fraud by falsifying data, and he hoped to financially profit from his investigations in several ways. Nevertheless, vaccines and the belief of their relation to autism continued to grow. For example, some believe that “thimerosal, an ethylmercury-containing preservative in some vaccines, is toxic to the central nervous system” and results in the development of autism (“The Vaccine-Autism Debate Should End Now”). However, a study performed by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that mercury in vaccines did not cause even subtle signs or symptoms of mercury poisoning, let alone autism. Despite the scientific evidence that debunks any correlation between mercury and autism, concerns have led to the “Green Our Vaccines”

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