Anti Smoking Gun Ad Analysis

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Smoking Gun How does one value his or her life? Does one go to the doctor for yearly checkups? Or perhaps one eats healthy and/or exercises daily? Although there are several anti-smoking ad, thousands of adults, as well as teenagers, continue to ruin their health by smoking or chewing tobacco, so do they truly work to persuade viewers to not smoke? Anti-smoking ads provide an insightful view on how much a pack of cigarettes actually costs.
In the anti-smoking ad "The Real Cost Commercial: 'Your Skin' - Menthol Version," a teenager walks into a convenience store and asks for a pack of Menthols while laying down a few dollar bills. The old lady behind the counter precedes to say, "Honey, I'm gonna need more than that," before the young teen tears a piece of skin from her right cheek to "pay" for the pack of cigarettes. After handing over the pack of Menthols, the woman again speaks, saying, "I'll see you again." This product advertisement appeals to pathos by attracting to the emotions of showing the youth of the teenager and how if affects her body to buy a pack of smokes.
The foregoing ad is successful in showing the negativity cigarette smoking provides in one's future. In terms of “buying” the product sold, anti-smoking ad, such as the …show more content…

Notwithstanding such information, children continue to evolve into a society that does not specify just how life-threatening tobacco is, and, with today’s societal standards, many will never see to believe that peer pressure is not as prevalent as it appears to be in our world today. Anti-smoking ads exist in the countries that do not have a national legislation passed against smoking. Yet, those ads aid in showing just how much of one’s life and freedom is needed in order to so much as humour the idea of buying a pack of

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