Anne Frank Quotes

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Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. Her father was Otto Frank and her mother was Edith Frank. She had one sibling, her sister, Margot Frank. Anne Frank and her family went into hiding for two years in a secret annex because they were Jewish. Anne and her family were eventually found and taken to concentration camps, where they all died, except her father. Throughout the story, Anne Frank’s quotes depicted the type of person she was. Anne Frank was hopeful, strong-willed, independent, a dreamer, and she did not take anything for granted. people really are good at

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." Anne Frank said that while she was in hiding. Why did she say that …show more content…

She said this because she wants to be a movie star when she grows up and wants to be a legend that people remember. When she says “in vain,” she means that she does not want to take things for granted in life like her family and friends and all the luxuries she had. She believed that most people take things for granted like it is their right and not a privilege.

“Things have changed. People aren't like that anymore, yes mother, no mother, anything you say, mother. I've got to fight things out for myself! Make something of myself!" Why does she express this? She says this because she believes people should find their own paths in life and not just be followers and do everything others say you should do. Additionally, she is strong-willed and wants to be capable of doing things all on her own without the help of her parents or anyone.

"What's the good of thinking of misery when you're already miserable? That's stupid!" Why did Anne Frank express this? She said this because she wants people to be happy and not focus on all the bad things in life. Some people continue to have negative thoughts even though they are already in a negative state of mind. This obviously would not improve their mood; therefore, it is a ridiculous mental

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