Good at Heart

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Anne Frank was a Jewish girl living in Holland during World War II. During this time, also known as the Holocaust, Hitler, the chancellor of Germany hated Jews. He started concentration camps where Jews would be taken to live in horrible conditions if they were not killed by the Nazis first. To avoid being taken to a concentration camp, Anne and her family went into hiding with the help of people such as Miep Gies. While in hiding, Anne wrote in her diary. One quote from her diary is, “Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart”. I know that people don’t always do the right things, but I agree that deep down, everyone is good.
I agree with Anne Frank because I believe that everyone has a good side and a bad side. Sometimes people are seen as being bad people because their bad side is bigger than their good side. Just because you do bad things does not mean that there isn’t anything good about you. In the movie, Anne Frank, Pim (Anne’s dad) told Anne the story of good polar and bad polar. Anne worries that she acts like bad polar too much, but her dad explains that it is okay if you sometimes act like bad polar as long as you keep good polar in your heart. In the article, “Miep Gies: A Dangerous Secret” by Henry and Melissa Billing it says,” But every day for two years, Miep Gies broke the law. Today the world salutes her for having the courage and compassion to do that” (Billings and Billings 54). Miep had a good side because she did what was right and tried to save innocent lives. Her bad side was that she was a criminal. In Night by Elie Wiesel, many Jews were being transported to a concentration camp on a cattle car. While on the cattle car, a woman started hallucinating, screaming about a fire. To make her ...

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...side. Also I know that there is no excuse for some of the bad things done, but I believe that these people do it because they are angry, not because they don’t do anything good in society.

Work Cited
Anne Frank. Dir. Robert Dornhelm. Perf. Ben Kingsley, Hannah Taylor Gordon, Brenda Blethyn. Buena Vista Home Entertainment. 2001. DVD.
Billings, Henry, and Melissa Billings. “Miep Gies: A Dangerous Secret”. Critical Reading Series, Heroes. Licolnwood: Jamestown Publishers, 1999. 54-56. Print.
Goodrich, Frances, and Albert Hackett. The Diary of Anne Frank. Literature. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2012. 510-564. Print.
Rainwashed. “Could the Houlocaust Happen Today?” Teen Ink. Web. 13 Nov. 2013
“Remembering the Holocaust.” Achieve 3000. 13 Mar. 2006. Achieve 3000. 14 Feb. 2014
Wiesel, Eli. Night. New York: Bantam Books, 1982.

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