Angel Baby Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is made up of five tiers that explain human needs. These five tiers consist of self-actualization, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs, and physiological needs. On the psychmovies site I watched a movie called Angel Baby that is about the psychological disorder of schizophrenia. The movie Angel Baby (1995) is about two people, Harry and Kate, that suffer from schizophrenia and fall in love after meeting at a therapy session. They believe that their love is so strong that it will be able to cure them and act as their medication. This causes them to stop taking their medication and it turns into a disaster for both. This movie relates to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for many reasons because these needs that make up the five- tier model motivate them and help them grow as people suffering from a disorder that is hard to face some days. …show more content…

For example, Kate can accept herself and her disorder in the movie because she learns that Harry accepts her for the person she is because he loves her. This fulfills both Kate and Harry’s needs and they can look at life objectively. Another example is when they both stopped taking their medication and Kate got pregnant Harry was able to understand the thoughts and the feelings that Kate was feeing because he experiences the same because they have the same disorder. This also shows the self-actualization needs because they were both able to identify the struggles they faced and had courage to be there for each other through it. In the movie it also shows that both main characters needed to feel like they belonged and were

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