Ancestor Report

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Mary Gobble Pay This paper is about my ancestor, Mary Gobble Pay. I don’t know much about her, but I do know at least part of the story of her crossing the plains. I also know a little about her trip to America across the sea. She had to push through some pretty rough stuff! I am not going to give much away, but I will tell you a few things, then explain later. (So, sorry if you don’t understand something yet.) She had frost bite, she lost her sister, brother, and mother. She also had to cut off her toes, and go through much more. She was twelve when her family converted to the church of latter-day saints. She was later baptized.Then they boarded a ship (or as she called it, a sailing vessel) that would take them to America from England. They sang a song called “Farewell Our Native Land, Farewell” on the start of their journey to America. They were on the ship for 6 weeks. That is a long time for a group as big as the one on that ship to be at sea. Also, during that trip, Mary’s sister got sick with the measles. She died not long after the ship came ashore. The reason that she died...

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