Analysis Of 'The Woman At The Well'

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Suffering is something that causes a lot of people to question the existence of God. If God is good, then how does He let evil happen? A god of love is one that is supposed to save His people from all danger and harm. The reality is that God is a good god, but evil does exist. Suffering exists because of The Fall . Sin was brought into the world, and the consequence for this sin is suffering and ultimately death. This does not make God a bad god, but rather makes us more reliant on Him.
The Woman at the Well – John 4
This story is about Jesus talking to women on His way through Samaria. This story shows how the idea of forgiveness can spread the Kingdom of God. This may not make a whole lot of sense when you first hear it, but she would not have taken this forgiveness and this gesture of love as important if she had not have had struggle. God uses His people as masks to do the work of His Kingdom, and often times it is through suffering that He shows both us and those around us His love, compassion, and forgiveness. This woman is cast out by society, which is why she is going to the well at noon rather than in the morning with the other women. The reason she is …show more content…

This is the path that glorifies God and shows His character. It is not us that are glorified through our actions, but rather Him through us. He uses us as His vessels to do His work, so by remaining disciplined in what God has commanded His work is done and His Kingdom is grown. This instance would say the God allows suffering to help develop His followers. It is through these experiences that we look and see Gods character, as well as shows others this character. The suffering that we face is to help glorify God, and become righteous in His sight for it is said in the Old Testament “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the LORD will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness”

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