The Argument For The Existence Of God And Evil

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“Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other” (Burdon). The concept of good and evil is similar to the existence of god since there also has to be the existence of evil. The existence of God and evil has been discussed by philosophers and people for years over whether they are compatible. The debate is based on how a person interprets the existence of God and evil. In the excerpt, Surprise! It’s Judgment Day from Basic Problems of Philosophy, it involves God and Martin at the gates of heaven and Martin is furious about how God forces people to suffer, but God could require people not to suffer. The debate turns into a theory if God could not create the existence of evil. I was able to determine that the existence …show more content…

God provides a person the free will to make up their mind to act the way that they want. It is explained logically in the excerpt by God, “Free will is a great good, a necessary ingredient in the best of all possible worlds. And it would be contradictory for me to give people free will and, at the same time, guarantee that they never use that freedom to cause suffering” (Davis 137). God’s explanation is right about freewill because a person will decide to do good or do evil and God has no control of the choices. Suffering will happen when someone is affected by evil, but the only way to stop suffering is to remove free will. If one takes away free will, then life is predictable, boring, and meaningless. Free will contains evil always because it lets a person prefer to cause people suffer or accomplish great phenomena with free will. Free will limits the amount of suffering by letting people select their own path in life, but suffering from some type will still be there. Free will understanding will bring up talk about happiness because of

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