Evil And Suffering In The Film God On Trial

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The film “God on Trial” depicts Jewish men in Auschwitz concentration camp having a discussion against God. They are discussing whether He was faithful to the Jews, or has broken His covenant promises with them. inmates of the concentration camp include Jewish citizens from various walks of life. All are educated in religious studies and history and are familiar of the God of the Bible. They discuss the moral significance of the situation they are currently experiencing. They argued whether God or humans are at fault for the suffering they face. Evil and suffering exist in the world because of human free-will. The film uses one historical event, the Holocaust, (caused by a dictator’s misguided use of power to cleanse the world of one ethnic …show more content…

God allows humans to exercise free-will to choose their actions. When humans take advantage of their God-given free-will and make choices that are self-serving, they inflict pain and suffering on others. Human suffering is a result of man’s need to make himself a god and be king over other people. Humans have the choice to do evil or good. When they choose to do evil, they cause their fellow man to suffer. God gives man a choice of actions. When man chooses to act selfishly, he causes suffering. Although God has ordained every event that happens from the beginning of time, and gives humans the freedom to choose their actions, He is not the author of evil. God does not like evil, nor is he the creator of it. God only allows evil if it serves His greater purpose and plan for His people. God only allows evil if it serves the purpose of his plan or strengthens the faith of His believers. God can also use suffering in a person’s life to help them realize their current favorable situation is not a result of good luck or fortune, but because God allows them to be prosperous. Men do not realize all the earthly blessings they possess are given by the hand of

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