Analysis Of The Ford Motor Company

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Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company on the 16th of June 1903 in Detroit, Michigan. In 1903 the first Ford model A was manufactured, which was the start of a multi-million dollar company. Ford manufactures automobiles across six different continents, with 224 000 employees and 90 plants worldwide. Current production facilities are based in the United States of America, Thailand, Germany, England, Australia, Romania, Spain, China and South Africa.

Ford Motor Company is the world’s fifth largest automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales and is not only one of the most profitable companies in the world, but also the largest family-controlled company worldwide and has been in the family for over 110 years.

In South Africa, Ford began by …show more content…

These methods all contribute to the production line and how material or parts are transported from the warehouse to different areas on the production line or in the Plant. The main concern is to get each part to its specific station on time and without any damage. If the part is not on time or it is an incorrect part, delays occur. If it takes to long to receive the correct part, the whole production line must come to a complete stop and wait till that part is received and fitted onto the vehicle. Unnecessary time goes to waste which results in costing the Plant thousands of dollars by not reaching the target of vehicles that need to be manufactured each …show more content…

This gives Ford better control by allowing them to optimize collections and deliveries across all pick-up points and destinations thus minimizing the total amount of transportation required. The plant makes use of two different types of transportation systems; firstly Motorvia, a company that specializes in delivery of vehicles by car carriers or by road depending on which is required. Secondly Transnet freight rail is used, vehicles are loaded onto single decker or double decker trains and parts are loaded into containers, which is placed on the

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