Ford Motor Company: Strategy Implementation And Control

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Strategy Implementation and Control
Strategy implementation involves establishing programs and tactics to create a series of new organizational activities, budgets to allocate funds to the new activities, and procedures to handle the day-to-day details (Wheelen, Hunger, Hoffman, & Bamford, 2015). Essentially, after a company determines the direction of their program, it is the how that particular direction will be accomplished. It also answers the question of what resources must be moved or sold to meet the allocated budget. For example, Ford Motor Company set up a program with the sole purpose of discovering alternatives to the foam that was being used in the manufacturing of car seats (Ford Motor Company, n.d.). While this program has a great deal of potential, there are different aspects that would have to be measured and verified before it can be considered a successful course of action by the company.
First, Ford Motor Company would have to estimate the overall effectiveness of the program. This would help determine how the program will affect the overall well-being of the company. According to Ford’s website, researchers have been working since 2002 to research and develop soy-based polyurethane foams which, if successfully created, would then replace the petroleum-based foams currently being used to manufacture car …show more content…

For example, the Drive One 4 UR School program has raised over $12 million for schools across the nation since the program was founded in 2007. The program is designed so that for every valid test drive, Ford Motor Company will donate $20 to the designated community group or nonprofit organization with a limit of $6,000 (CBS Detroit, 2012). Ford Motor Company should be commended for its efforts to make the community a better place for everyone, and not just a place to market its

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