Analysis Of Farewell To Manzanar

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Farewell To Manzanar

On December 7, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, leading to the United States entrance into World War II. A couple months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt ordered that all persons of Japanese decent must be secluded. The Japanese were sent to internment camps outside of the pacific military zone, due to the fear Americans had of Japanese espionage. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a major shock for America, and it created extreme fear and paranoia that the Japanese-Americans would help Japan win the war. There was a widespread stigma of anti-Japanese attitudes and racism; therefore, the government concluded it was easier to seclude them from the rest of America. The
Some individuals were not only sent to internment camps, but also detention camps, which altered their physical and mental state significantly. Many of these Japanese Americans were successful and prideful, until the camps became their new home. Ko Wakatsuki, Jeanne’s father, is an example of one of these individuals who was affected. Ko experienced a life-changing experience while in Fort Lincoln detention camp and at Manzanar internment camp. Ko was accused of disloyalty, spying, and was separated from his family for almost a year while he was in Fort Lincoln detention camp. When Ko returned to Manzanar to be with his family, he was hesitantly greeted and appeared different to his family. “He had been gone nine months. He had aged ten years. He looked over sixty, gaunt, wilted as his shirt, underweight leaning on a cane and favoring his right leg” (Manzanar 46). Jeanne’s description of her father describes the harsh environment and experiences Ko went through during his time spent at Fort Lincoln and Manzanar. When Ko returned he felt defeated, angry, and began drinking heavily. Ko experienced a downward emotional spiral because he felt as if everything he worked so hard for was taken from him. Ko did not feel worthy of himself, which led to his harsh words and actions toward his family. When Ko was forced to go to camp, he had to assimilate to a life that was unfamiliar; he
Manzanar allowed her to explore and be curious, yet she experienced both direct and indirect discrimination outside of the camp. Jeanne arrived at Manzanar when she was only seven years old. She did not know what to expect and handled internment camp differently than her parents. Jeanne recognized the cramped living conditions and gross food, but she made the best of her time at Manzanar. The internees began turning the camp around; they created a school, clubs, and various activities for all age ranges to participate in. Jeanne grew and learned more about herself through the activities offered. As the war began to slow down, it was announced that all the camps would be closed within a year. The announcement seemed positive as long as there was a home to go back to, this was not the case for Jeanne, “In our family the response to this news was hardly joyful. For one thing we had no home to return to.” (Manzanar 127). Jeanne was scared not knowing what home meant to her family, and also scared to face the world outside of Manzanar. She knew of the wartime propaganda, racist headlines, and hate slogans that were advertised. When Jeanne and her family left Manzanar, they saw signs such as, “Japs go back where you came from.” Jeanne constantly questioned and wondered why they were so hated. On Jeanne’s first day of sixth grade, outside of Manzanar, she felt isolated, foreign, and

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