Analysis Of Cynthia Montgomery's The Strategist

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In Cynthia Montgomery’s the book “The Strategist”, she explains that becoming a strategist is an essential component of a leader, and this book provides a strategic framework where it is easy to understand. Throughout the book, she emphasizes that a good strategy starts with a strategic leadership, a compelling purpose, and a system of value creation, and she believes that a leader and a strategist in inseparable. I agree with this because a leader guides the company to find its purpose and mission, and this is what a strategist is good at as well. Therefore, a leader should be a strategist who apply strategic management in its corporations or organizations. Throughout the book, Montgomery illustrates many real life examples regarding to the importance of strategy plays in the success of a business, such as Masco’s failure in its expansion through furniture manufacturing. She also emphasizes that a strategist or a leader must understand the purpose of a company exist in order to success. Then, she analyzes practical models such as five forces to help the reader understand how these model connect to strategy as a whole. Her “Strategy Wheel” framework is a viable tool that could help the business leader in developing their strategies. Through many business cases that Montgomery explains such as Masco, Ikea, Walmart and Gucci, these cases are an excellent …show more content…

Referring back to the IKEA’s example, when the company has a mission and purpose, it gives the employees a sense of purpose as well, and believes in themselves that they are able to make a difference. I think that a great manager help employee to understand the company’s mission and purpose that is directly related to the individual’s responsibility, and assists employees find a connection between company’s value and their own. Hence, a good strategy supports company’s purpose and makes the corporation became a company that

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