Thomas Paine Common Sense Summary

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On January 10, 1776, an insightful man by the name of Thomas Paine published one of America’s most important documents to this day. A pamphlet that accomplished things many bloody battles could not, this sacred writing was titled as Common Sense. It outlined the main reasons why the British colonies should separate from the British monarch and highlighted upon the potential greatness of the creation of a democratic republic. Paine’s main purpose was to convince the people of England why his idea of a revolution was the best thing for them. Either the British people fight for their independence or they choose to remain prisoner in a nation that continues to let its people down. This 238-year-old book was a huge success and an extremely important step in American history. Selling over 150,000 copies, no one expected this forty- eight page pamphlet to be the main reason colonists decided to have a revolution against the British, thus Paine knew he was addressing an audience unfamiliar with legal precedents so he strove for simplicity. The author knew that in this time period, many were well read when it came to the Bible, therefore, although Paine was not religious himself, he was sure to include many biblical references as evidence to support his clearly spelled out positions. Paine limited his text to solely focus on how the colonists could achieve independence from England, refusing to ever astray by discussing every possible obstacle that they may face during and before the revolution. The author began by reflecting on government and religion, he then moves to specifics of the colonial situation, only to go on to further distinguish government and society from each other, claiming that society is “produced by our wants, and government by our

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