Analysis Of Thoma Thomas Paine's Common Sense

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The idea of independence from Great Britain, it is something that is so commonplace a thing that I think very little of it on a day-to-day basis, but there was once a time when it was not so common, there was even a time when many thought the idea of fighting for independence was a foolhardy or reckless move and we were better off under the rule of Great Britain. This was not necessarily an incorrect way of thinking as Great Britain had provided the colonies with resources that would have taken far longer to develop for themselves. In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense a pamphlet that encouraged this new way of thinking and urged the people of the thirteen colonies to fight for their independence from Great Britain, as their help was now seeming to become a hindrance. …show more content…

Paine’s use of language to appeal both to his reader’s reason and emotion has given him the advantage of creating an emotional connection between himself and the reader, attempting to raise their spirits and show them what could be, while also asking them to put their own minds to the problem at hand. Asking them to make sense of their current situation. He gives hope and then appeals to their ability to discern what is best for their new world. By doing this, he has presented reason after reason for them to declare independence before he practically turned to them and said “Don’t you think so?” the only ‘reasonable’ answer would at that point be, “Yes of course Mr. Paine you’re completely right!”
Throughout the piece his “calls to arms” take on various appeals to both emotion and reason, for

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