An Analysis Of Dr. Morgan Robertson's Futility '

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The hypothesis being addressed is to test whether psychics have clairvoyant powers or not. Dr. Peter Venkman is interested in testing this hypothesis and thus showing the existence of ESP. 1b. Dr. Venkman’s standpoint is supported and rejected by a great deal of evidence. This can be seen in many ways. For example, evidence that is for Dr. Venkman’s argument is the story “Futility,” which was written by Morgan Robertson in 1898. Robertson’s novel was about a huge ship called the Titan which was destroyed by the presence of thick fog and therefore, crashed into an iceberg and sunk killing many people. Due to the reason that there was a scarcity of lifeboats on board, the number of fatalities were high. Similar to that of Robertson’s story, …show more content…

He basically knew how a ship functioned and what would happen to it in a certain situation. This demonstrates that Robertson was very knowledgeable about the topic thereby he did not have a form of ESP known as precognition as skeptics would say. As a whole, this is a view seen by many skeptics about the nonexistence of ESP. Another example of the doubtfulness of the existence of ESP is the fact that on an unconscious level, our brain is handling information that our five senses pick up on. Therefore, people tend to make exceptionally right guesses by assembling pieces together and adapting to irrelevant information. In short, skeptics believe that ESP is not real.

2. Method

2a. (i) The participants that I would test for this experiment would be the psychics and the non-psychics. Indeed, for this experiment, the psychics and the non-psychics are the target populations. I would not sample the populations randomly because I want to test the two different groups alone. If I assign a psychic into the non-psychic group or vice versa, it would throw off the results. 2a. (ii) In each group, I would test fifty individuals. I would do so because the more participants I have, the better the results would be. I plan to …show more content…

I would perform a statistical test, a t-test on the experiment I designed for Dr. Venkman by taking the difference between the mean between the two groups, the psychics and the non-psychics. Then, I would calculate the variance between the psychics and non-psychics. Furthermore, I would then get a square root by taking the variance of the difference between both groups. Lastly, I would obtain a value for t and analyze it. 3b. I would calculate the variation within groups by taking the standard deviation of both the psychic and non-psychic group, that is the difference of the scores from the mean of the two groups. 3c. Statistical significance is obtained when a p-value is less than alpha (the significance level) which is in most cases 0.05. It represents how closely the outcome occurred due to chance. If the results between the psychics and non-psychics are significantly significant then I would conclude that the variance between both groups is small and the difference between the psychics and non-psychics is comparatively

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