Argumentative Essay On Tyranny

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Throughout history, there has been countless times where a country is ran by tyranny, and countless times where tyranny negatively affects the country. Our country, the United States of America, was one of those countries at one point, but we thankfully got out of it from war. Since our country didn’t want to go back to tyranny, people had to create a system, and a set of principles that would prevent that from happening. So, the Constitution was made. Tyranny is a government ran by one person, or a small amount of people, and the United States got out of it, but we still had to establish a way to prevent it from happening again. The constitution did it’s job and protected against tyranny by the small states vs. large states, federalism, separation of power, and checks and balances. The small states vs. large state contributed to preventing tyranny because it gave a fair amount of power to each. In the House of Representatives, “the number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have a least one representative,” as stated in the document. It also states in the document that Virginia has ten representatives, and Pennsylvania had eight, the bigger states, whereas Rhode Island and Delaware only had one representative, the smaller states. In the …show more content…

James Madison, a supporter of the Constitution, said,“ The accumulation of all powers… in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may be justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” This backs up the claim because it is telling us that if there was no separation of power, then there would be tyranny. The separation of power prevented any branch from getting too much power by giving each branch an equal amount of power. If one branch was to gain more power than another, then the balanced would be thrown off, and tyranny would be

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