Amistad Reflection

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The film Amistad is an incredible and inspirational film about the fight for freedom. Amistad tells the story of a case that happened before the civil war between a group of illegal slaves that were taken from their home in Africa. Through vivid and brutal imagery, the film helped to portray what actually happened to slaves during the Slave Trade and the United States court system during those historical times.
The film portrays the disputes and corruption that slavery brought amongst the United States. The film first takes place on a ship, La Amistad, where illegally smuggled slaves were taken from Africa and shipped to the Americas to become slaves. The first scene shows a brutal and bloody revolt amongst the Africans as they kill all the crew members except two gentlemen. The two gentlemen trick the slaves into thinking they were taking them back home, but they were actually going east to the United States. As they were headed for the coast, the ship runs into an American ship and they are captured and taken into custody.
The 53 slaves were then brought to a case where various g...

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