American Spirit Cigarettes

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Did you know in America today one and six people smoke cigarettes? Recently while looking through people magazine I found an ad for the cigarette company named American spirit. It is a well-known fact that tobacco can cause cancer as well as other diseases, but even so people still buy cigarettes. That is because of the tobacco companies pay researchers to find out what will convince you to buy there product. Nearly 500,000 people die from tobacco use yearly making tobacco the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States.
The advertisement I found is in full-page portrait style format featuring A close-up shot of two cigarette packages on a picnic table. Behind the table is a large floating green bubble with silver trim reading 100% additive-free natural tobacco. Laying next to the package is a green mint leaf and in ingredients caption listing only two things organic tobacco and organic menthol. The pack on the front side reads Natural American Spirit and underneath that is a logo of a Native American Indian with feather head dress playing a flute in front of the rising sun. There are three different Surgeon General's warning's presenting them as unsafe.
When a market analyst goes about creating an ad every detail was designed entirely for the purpose getting your attention. On this particular advertisement the main colors are green and …show more content…

They may be better than others considering a non-organic cigarette can have as much as 599 additives and a fiberglass filter while the American Spirit uses cardboard filters. Of course they’re still bad for you and lead to a variety of health problems. In fact, the Surgeon General’s warning warning clearly states no additives in our tobacco does not mean a safer cigarette. This being followed by two more warnings organic tobacco does not mean a safer cigarettes and cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide Which last time I checked wasn’t very safe to breathe

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