Allender's Leading With A Limp

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Through the questions and the materials in this class, there are many practical applications that can be utilized to change decision-making behaviors. Although there is a long list that can be made, we are going to focus on some behaviors connected with purpose, heart-attitude, and commitment. Each of these three categories are part of what makes a leader and can help or hurt the impact made in other people’s lives.
In the book Leading with a Limp, the author gives many examples of the difficult realities of being a leader. He states, “If you’re a leader, you’re in for the battle of your life”. (Allender, PhD, 2006) To lead others either in business, ministry, family, or any other endeavor, a person needs to know the purpose of their struggle. …show more content…

Merriam Webster defines commitment as an agreement or pledge to do something in the future.” Christian leaders are committed to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” and “love your neighbor as yourself”. (Mathew 22:37,39) Therefore, the decisions of a leader should always reflect honoring that commitment. Character can be formed through confession and community by communication, honesty, and discernment. These ideas are vital for a leader’s ability to relate to others and build relationships. In turn, confessions are an important part of Christians testimony not only to the unsaved world but growing believers as well. Confessions done carefully can minimize the risks involved, but never completely remove it. Communication is a significant part of everyday life, yet it has the power to grow character. Dan B. Allender, PhD tells us that “character is formed in the midst of hearing and telling the full story”. (Allender, PhD, 2006) For many people, the full story is their testimony. It reaches out to people and gives them a chance to relate to the person sharing. Furthermore, sprouting opportunities where people experience God’s redemption process in a person and lead them to a place where they can hopefully decide to accept that process for …show more content…

Allender tells us, “Why admit your failures publicly? First, doing so invites others- by the Spirit’s prompting-to look more honestly at their own need for forgiveness, freedom and courage. It also removes the dividing wall of hierarchy and false assumptions about people”. (Allender, PhD, 2006) Honesty allows change in the heart of the person being honest, the person receiving it, and anyone seeing this transaction happen. At times it can be the most difficult thing to do, but God uses honesty to show himself to people as well. Trinitarian leadership has many practical ways that give leaders how model the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. In this relationship we can infer the necessity of people who play different roles within an organization. Not “one” person is supposed to have all the power, authority, skills, gifts, and resources. Furthermore, this knowledge allows leaders to share the workload and at the same time creating a system of checks and balances to hold each other accountable. This leadership view also considers each person’s strength and weaknesses, allowing for healthy tension that promotes

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