The Leadership of Jesus Christ

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Great leadership is an essential aspect in any organization. Many experts claim to have the secret of successful leadership. Whether in business, politics, or religion, leadership is an important topic. Decisions that are made, plans that are implemented, and visions that are inspired are components of leadership. Some great leaders in history are Winston Churchill, George Washington, and Mahatma Gandhi. Leadership is vital to business and politics, but it is most essential in religion. In the arsenal of religion, the greatest example of leadership is Jesus Christ. Today’s church leaders can gleam principles of leadership from Jesus’ ministry.
Some attributes of Jesus’ leadership skills are authenticity; His ministry began and ends with this quality. “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ says the Lord, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’” (Revelation 1:8, NKJV) Jesus empowered His disciples and those that followed with the ability to make a difference. This difference was made despite receiving money, power, and prestige.
He commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts—but to wear sandals, and not to put on two tunics. (Mark 6:8-9, NKJV)

Jesus was honest and felt empathy for others. This is evident in the story of raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus led with purpose and conviction. He had a willingness to see the vision through and all His actions worked towards the vision which was to save mankind. Jesus leadership ability builds enduring relationships based on three foundational principles:
1. Loving Others
2. Teaching and Mentoring
3. Servant Leadership
As a leader, Jesus was strategic, m...

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...eadership and 10 Great Leaders from History.” Industry Leaders Magazine, April 15, 2012. Accessed November 25, 2013.

Board, Rob. “Servant Leadership Was Demonstrated by the Jesus.” The Covenant Kingdom. Accessed December 1, 2013.

Coleman, Robert E. The Master Plan of Evangelism with Study Guide. Grand Rapids: Revell, 1993.

Dogget, Dr. Gerald. “The Minds of Ministry Leadership: Jesus’ Leadership of These Ordinary People.” Lecture, Faith Christian University, Orlando, FL, November, 2013.

Holy Bible. New International Version.

Holy Bible. New King James Version.

MacArthur, John. Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do with You. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2002.

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