Alexander The Great Accomplishments

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Alexander The Great , With the courage of a tiger and the ferocity of a Lion, Alexander III swept through Eastern Europe and Asia. Alexander the Great as he would be called was believed to a descendant of the God's! He was a military genius because his battles throughout Asia Minor, against Darius, the King of the Empire of Persia, would bring him fame, fortune, and eternal glorification as the greatest king to have ruled in all of history. The Macedonian king's level of intelligence, the amount of land that he acquired, and the fact that he was a military genius, is some of the most important aspects to the life of Alexander the Great.

The intelligence quota of Alexander the Great was incredible and was recognized at a very young age. …show more content…

To make them happy he granted them freedoms and in return he asked for loyalty. He also tried to integrate families into the Macedonian families and so he would have his soldiers marry some of the women and, thus, creating a more diverse and multi-cultural Macedonia. "When Alexander ascended the throne of Macedon following the death of his father in 336, the city states of Greece and the huge empire of Persia had already been in conflict for hundreds of years".

Alexander's motivation for success was driven by glory. He wanted to be remembered and be seen as a God by all who knew of his name. Alexander's favorite tutor was Lysimachus. This tutor devised a game in which Alexander impersonated the hero Achilles. Achilles was a heroic Greek warrior from a famous ancient poem called the Iliad. A Achilles became the model of the noble warrior for Alexander, and he modeled himself after this hero. This game delighted Olympia's because her family claimed the hero as an ancestor. He also wanted to exact his revenge on the Persians who had invaded 150 years prior to his …show more content…

The Grecians are known for their ability to organize and form gaps in their lines to prevent effective cavalry attacks. When a man has the ability to have historians put a "Great" after their names then they have to do something simply remarkable. When they have a city named after them, Alexandria, then they have had to of done something remarkable. If they are in the Bible, a book that has not been edited for thousands of years, as one of the greatest kings in all of history then they had to of done something remarkable. Alexander of Macedon, or Alexander the Great, shaped the history of mankind. In Daniel 11:2-4, we see that he is mentioned as the he-goat that destroys the ram, which a reference to Darius. This is an incredible feat for anyone. A man of his stature, a man who was extremely intelligent, acquired huge amounts of land, and was simply the most inspirational and fearless military leader of his time, deserves to have the title of "Great." Alexander the Great would go down in history as the most influential and important ruler of the Ancient Grecian

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