Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Response To Christianity

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While some Christians feel as if they are being held back by the American government and fellow citizens, it may be better for them to invest their time and energy into acknowledging their own public personas, and address whether their own behavior is what is ultimately harming Christianity. If they compare their actions to Christian priests in the former Soviet Union who faced intense religious persecution at times, they might have a better chance of bringing new members into their flock, or at least gaining respect and support from those outside of their faith. For instance, in 1972 Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a public letter to Patriarch Pimen regarding the state of the Russian Orthodox Church. As being a new member of the faith, Solzhenitsyn …show more content…

He recognized the world Soviet citizens inhabited, and instead found ways to speak to the populace by following the law and following his moral conscious. This did end with him being arrested, but because he followed the law, it backfired against Russian authorities, because it garnered him more support. Moreover, unlike Solzhenitsyn, he did not try to dictate what Russian citizens did. Instead he had meetings and offered information to his audiences, answering any questions they might have. He let them make the key choice of deciding for themselves instead of trying to force his ways on them. This demonstrated a very important element from Christianity that is overlooked by many Christians, which is the gift of free will, which was given directly from God to humans. In fact, Dudko’s approach even led one foreign atheist to admit to finding value in Christianity (Ellis 309-315). Dudko is an example many American Christians could learn from, because he made meaningful social change by offering advice on how to improve their lives and leading by example, not trying to force his fellow citizens into believing what her did. When a person wants to do something, they are more likely to stick with it rather be resentful because they have to do it. By analyzing the behavior of these soviet priests, their current American counterparts could discover valuable tactics that could be employed …show more content…

Even though things may not always be perfect for American Christians since culturally some things in America might not align with their personal beliefs, there is much they could do to help themselves. This would especially assist with what is supposed to be their main goal, spreading the word of Jesus through examples of his love and following his ministry. By looking at how their fellow citizens and the world view them, they can correct issues that may make their message appear hypocritical, while at the same time helping those in need. Especially when they give off the image of intolerance or being more concerned about wealth. Beyond this, they can explore cases of valid religious persecution, such as those found in the Soviet Union against the Russian Orthodox Church. By analyzing how people of those faiths responded, they could see what has historically been proven as effective or ineffective, and applying those lessons to their own practices and communications. With this, they could garner great change and help their own religious community and country grow

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