World Literature Paper. “Solzhenitsyn´s Use of Selected Language in One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

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World Literature Paper
“Solzhenitsyn use of selected language in justifying the main essence of the story”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a Russian writer of the emotional piece One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich uses Russian traditional oral style skaz ( from Russian ‘skazat’ - to say or tell) and it explains the author’s general skaz approach in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn uses skaz to emphasize the experience of the camps and life as a prisoner. In order to attain gulag camp’s unfeigned internal atmosphere, he chose to highlight the harsh language and swearing, in relationships between zeks, it means the prisoners and guards. Also, use of animal comparison is significant accent to Russian culture, which most likely comes from legends and tales. Forced-labor camps prisoners, divided into squads are depending on the discretion of guards or squad leaders. Sense of community and inside-unwritten camp rules are shaping gulag zek’s everyday life.
Author involves three kinds of narration techniques - as a prisoner, used method is called skaz, when wants to emphasize communication between Ivan and other zeks “So leave envy to those who always think the radish in the other fellow’s hand is bigger than ours. Shukhov knows life and never opens his belly to what doesn’t belong to him.” (p 124) ; as an educated narrator with specific details about ongoing “With the same rapid movements as before, Shukhov hung up his coat on a crossbeam and pulled what he wanted from the mattress: a pair of mittens, a second pair of old foot rags, a length of rope, and a piece of cloth with tapes at each end.” (p 22); and Ivan himself using third person and mainly recounting flashbacks and daydreams “You couldn’t write and describe t...

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...p struggles and are able to behold weekday's 'small victories' called luck of someone's kindness - “Shukhov went to sleep fully consent. He'd had many strokes of luck that day: they hadn't put him in the cells; they hadn't sent his squad to the settlement; he’d swiped a bowl of kasa at dinner; the squad leader had fixed the rates well; he’d built a wall and enjoyed doing it; he’d smuggled that bit of hacksaw blade through; he’d earned a favor from Tsezar that evening; he’d bought that tobacco. And he hadn’t fallen ill. He’d got over it.” (p 139). And “A day without a dark cloud. Almost a happy day.” (p 139). Daily evaluation of those 'small victories' came with heading home - life experience shaped through self-management.

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World Literature Paper
“Solzhenitsyn use of selected language in justifying the main essence of the story”

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