Albert Einstein Dyslexia Effect

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Did you know that Albert Einstein, one of the most intelligent human beings that has lived in this planet, lived with dyslexia? Dyslexia is a language-based processing disorder that can obstruct writing, spelling, reading and speaking, can create barriers to enjoying social interactions and can have a negative impact on self-esteem (“Common Warning Signs,” n.d.). Albert Einstein has not been the only one who has lived with this disorder. According to the International Dyslexia Association, an astonishing 15% to 20% of the American population has symptoms of dyslexia, including poor writing and mixing similar words. It is proven that dyslexia is a neurological and often a genetic condition, however it has no connection to intelligence. The …show more content…

A young child may be at risk of dyslexia if they talk at a later age than the other children. Another symptom is if there is a slow process in learning new words. A child having difficulty learning nursery rhymes can also be another sign. By the time the child enters school, dyslexia signs may be more apparent. The first and more significant sign of dyslexia is reading well below the expected level of the child’s age. Another common sign is the mixing of the letters “d” and “b”. Dyslexia indicators in adolescents and adults are similar to those in children. These indicators may be difficult reading, including reading aloud. Another symptom in teen and adult dyslexia is trouble in memorizing or summarizing a story. It is never too late to seek treatment for …show more content…

Some suggested ideas are writing a list of any symptoms that you or your child is experiencing. If there is a child involved, making sure to ask the doctor questions is very important. Thereafter, the doctor will perform key tests that will help determine if there are any signs pointing to dyslexia. Although there is no known test that can diagnose dyslexia, doctors may conducts these key tests such as vision, hearing, and neurological tests. In addition to these tests, doctors may direct some reading and other academic skills tests. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment to correct the underlying brain abnormality that triggers dyslexia. However, early detection can improve success. Educational techniques such as hearing, vision and touch to improve reading skills are recommended. Also, an individual educational plan can be created if the victim of dyslexia is a young child. For adults struggling with dyslexia there are trainings and accommodations that can be given through the Americans with Disabilities

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