Aid In Egypt

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In the past 30 years Egypt has received over a billion dollars in aid. With the current regime constantly not stable enough to keep their leader in power and government trust at an all time-low we are forced to look at what this aid is actually providing. Throughout this essay I will guide you through the logistics of distributing such large aid packages, the impact, and why this practice is hurting, not helping the U.S. Egyptian citizens neither profits, nor wants the U.S in their everyday life. We have no business in their country and they have no business in our pockets; when this tie is severed both parties will be better off.
To understand America’s involvement in Egypt we first have to look at where the aid is spent. Every year, the USA supposedly sends $1.3 billion in military aid, with this money they pick out their own technology and weapons. But, According to government officials, the US government decides exactly which weaponry gets sent to Egypt. Officials complain that often, Egypt is sent weapons that are not as advanced as those sent to neighboring countries like Israel. Leaving their armies outdated and not as secure as those countries around them. Since Egypt does not chose where the military aid is spent, it has led to a massive inventory of weaponry that they no longer require, or already have enough of. Including sending more than 1,000 tanks, valued at $3.9 billion, along with several thousand Soviet period tanks. This is ridiculously excessive there’s no possible scenario in which they would need all these tanks short of World War 3. So they continue to sit in crates in warehouses, unopened, probably to never be used. This is also the case with F-16 fighter jets sent to Egypt. “Though recently Obama ordered...

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...ted. Albert Einstein describes insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This seems to be America’s problem, we seem afraid to quit the situation because of fear of the changing what has been long established. But what do we gain to lose, other countries already view us poorly, we already have enough military strength to assert our will in a region if we absolutely must, and private charities have done a far better job over the years providing humanitarian work then governments ever will be able to do. It is time we cut off all aid to Egypt, thus pushing ourselves away from their internal conflict and giving the Egyptian people control of their own Egypt. And not only with Egypt, but with all nations, we have to begin to let them stand on their two feet because always carrying them does nothing but hinder them in the end.

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