Egypt: The Gift Of The Nile

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Egypt is known as the gift of the Nile, but why well that is what this paper is all about. For starters Egypt would not be the place it is today without the Nile it would be reduced to a dry uninhabitable desert. The Nile provides water to the entire land and as we all know water is a necessity for all life to exist. Another thing that the Nile supplies is silt, this silt is full of nutrients that makes farming not only possible but actually a lot easier than it is here in the states . The Nile also makes trade with nearby cities and towns possible so supplies are never short.
Another way Egypt can be called the gift of the Nile is because they believed that there many gods had control over the river. For example they believed that the water that flows in the Nile comes from the mouth of their most powerful god Ra. They also believed that certain animals such as cats, jackals and ibises were actually gods in disguise watching over them so these animals were sacred to the people and mummified after death . In fact it was …show more content…

It is also has some extremely large cities, it is hard to believe that all this started with a albeit very advanced but secluded civilization in a little patch of life stemmed from the Nile and ( as this has most likely been nailed permanently into your mind) the Nile river, the longest river in Africa and the second longest river in the world only 87 miles behind the Amazon which is 4,345 Miles long ( can not belive I forgot to mention that until now) but yes the Nile is 4,258 miles long which is 1,338 miles longer than the second longest river in Africa the Congo which is 2,920 miles

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