God VS Science: The Creation Debate

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God Against the World For hundreds of years, the controversy of how the earth was created has been a hot topic among people of all beliefs. Do you have an opinion about how the earth was created? Hopefully, giving all of the information stated in this paper, you will firmly believe that God created the earth. The Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (To, A. God-Centered Approach). Science says that the earth was created by a massive explosion of light and energy, known as the “Big Bang Theory” ("Did God Create the Universe?”). According to the Bible, God made us, we did not make ourselves. According to science, there was a hydrogen atom that steadily grew over many centuries, and man developed. The Bible says …show more content…

According to the Bible, on the first day, God created light and separated it from the darkness, calling light "day," and darkness "night." On the second day, God created a spread to separate the waters and called it “sky.” On the third day, God created the dry ground and assembled the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and the assembled waters "seas." God as well created vegetation on the third day (plants and trees). On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to oversee and distinguish the day and the night. On the fifth day, God created each living creature of the seas and every winged bird, dedicating them to reproduce and fill the waters and the sky with life. On the sixth day, God created the animals to fill the earth. God also created man and woman, Adam and Eve, in his own image to communicate with him. He dedicated them and gave them every creature and the entire earth to rule over, care for, and develop. On the seventh day, God completed his work of creation, so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy. (chrisianity.about.com) The Bible says that God shaped man of dust from the ground, and exhaled into his nostrils the breath of life, and man then became a living being …show more content…

It is not only because I am a Christian, it is because I cannot wrap my mind across the fact that a huge light of energy randomly exploded one day, millions of years ago, when there was no life here to prove it. No one can necessarily prove the existence of God either, but there are many historians, as in the Bible that talk about when God was here, and more importantly how He created the earth, and man. A study shows that 25% of people do not believe in God (christianpost.com). Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There are many firm believers in evolution as well as creation. However, if someone isn’t quite sure on what they believe, why not believe in creation? Atheism has turned into antitheism for those refusing to believe in a Living God. But how do you believe that an explosion evolved into mankind? If you aren’t sure what to believe, believe in God and everything He created. It is better to be safe than sorry and live your life the right way instead to believe in something false and to take the risk of living your eternal life in hell. There is more proven fact that God existed and created the earth rather than a random burst of heat exploded and then the earth was made. The Theory of Evolution takes away the option to believe in God. The bottom line is that believing in evolution or God comes down to philosophy. Science does not answer

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